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Belinda Baker

Age: 33

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 220 lbs

Wrestling Style: Power/Technical


Bio: Aidan's close friend, roommate, and tag partner while wrestling in the UK. The two were tag team champions together briefly. Belinda has since retired from wrestling and now works, coincidentally, as a baker. Aidan and Belinda still speak regularly.

Elsie Edwards


Age: 26

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 132 lbs

Wrestling Style: Technical


Bio: Elsie wrestled for the same company as Belinda and Aidan in the UK. She was a close acquaintance but not precisely a friend due to her habit of getting into trouble. Belinda and Aidan let Elsie stay with them for a few months while the situation with Blake Ross played out. Elsie and Aidan did not stay in contact until Elsie messaged Aidan on New Year's Day 2016.

Blake Ross


Age: 33

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 238 lbs


Bio: Potential suitor turned stalker of Elsie in England in 2008. "Blake Ross" was discovered not to be his true name, but his real identity was never discovered. Perpetually one step ahead of the authorities, Blake was an on-going nightmare to Aidan, Belinda, and Elsie for several months, though Aidan never let on the severity to the other two.

Mason Bennett


Age: 30

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 251 lbs


Bio: The Constable in England who took it upon himself to investigate the mystery of Blake Ross when no one else believed the women's story. While his presence was generally not known, he seemed to frequently tail the three to try to catch Blake.

Frankie Mendoza


Age: 50

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 173 lbs


Bio: A small time mobster working primarily out of Brooklyn, Frankie loaned Elsie money as she tried to get herself out of the trouble that occurred in late 2015/early 2016. Frankie accepted payment for the debt from Aidan and provided her with some information about Elsie's situation.

Anton Sala


Age: 35

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 181 lbs


Bio: Anton is a human trafficker out of eastern Europe. He met Elsie at a club while she was vacationing there and seduced her, starting the entire mess.

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